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평창동계올림픽 염원 ‘평창! 여기로 오라!'
평창동계올림픽 염원 ‘평창! 여기로 오라!'
  • 이흥섭 기자
  • 승인 2011.07.06 11:18
  • 댓글 0
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시인 겸 정치인 문태성씨의 간절한 소망 시(詩)에 담아
[시사브리핑 이흥섭기자]강원도 태백,영월,평창,정선에서 19대 총선을 출마가 유력시 되고 있는 한나라당 출신 문태성씨(시인, 정치학박사)가 '2018년 평창동계올림픽' 개최지 선정을 기원하는 ‘평창! 여기로 오라!’는 시를 올려 눈길을 끌고 있다.

[다음은 문태성씨의 시(詩) 전문]

시 : 문태성(시인/ 정치학박사)
번역 : 나까야마신야(일어)/ 채운정(시인. 독일어) / 임선숙(영어)

하늘이 내린 살아 숨쉬는 땅

기다려온 강원도 평창!

맑은 산 높은 곳에서부터

눈부신 빛이 있었어라

백설화(白雪花)가 뿌려졌어라.

전후 마지막 남은 분단국

허리 잘린 한반도 백두대간

질끈 동여맨 반세기의 처절한 아픔

이제 평창이 그 한을 풀어가네.


평화의 깃발!

지축을 흔들어라

천상(天上)으로 솟구쳐라.

통일의 꿈!

용광로에 붓고 휘저어라

강대국의 패권다툼!

인종과 피부는 다르지만

세계인이 하나 되어

지구를 순백(純白)으로 물들여라

만방에 찬란하게 빛나라

평화의 언덕에서 만난 사도(使徒)들.

우리 손꼽아 기다린 그날

우주는 하나 되네

흥겨워 한민족이 뭉치네

조국은 어깨동무로 하나 되어

세계를 향해 평화를 앞장 서 부르짖네

어느새 대한민국은 뜨겁게 달아올라

세계속에 평화의 보금자리를 틀어가네

평화의 향연(饗宴)을 맞이하네

오~ 예스 평창 이리로 오라!



<平昌(ピョンチャン) ! ここに集え !>

詩:文台成 / 詩人 · 政治学博士



待ち続けてきた江原道(カンウォンド)、平昌(ピョンチャン) !









平和の旗を !



統一の夢 !


強大国の覇権争い !














オー、イエス様、平昌(ピョンチャン)に、来たれませ !


<Komm' her in die Stadt Pyeongchang!>

von Moon Tae-Sung

Auf Erden, wohin sich der Himmel senkt,
in ihrem Atem innig vereint,
wartet seit langem die Stadt Pyeongchang
in der Provinz Kangwondo.
Vom reinen Berg, von seinen Hoehen
glaenzt ein Licht, wirbeln schneeweisse Blueten.

Das letzte Land noch geteilt auf dieser Erde,
zusammen geschnuert die Taille der Halbinsel.
Der tief eingeschnuerte Schmerz
wird nun geloest in der Stadt Pyeongchang.

Hier wird
das Banner des Friedens gehisst.
Lasst die Erdachse erbeben!
Lasst sie gen Himmel steigen!

Der Traum der Wiedervereinigung!
Lasst ihn im Hochofen sich mischen und ergluehen.
Der Kampf der Gewalten!
Die Rassen und Hautfarben sind verschieden,
aber die Menschheit der Welt wird eins,
die Erde wird in reinem Weiss erstrahlen,
der Glanz wird die ganze Welt aufmerken lassen.
Die Abgesandten kommen auf dem Friedenshuegel zusammen.

wir alle erwarten
sehnlichst die Tage,
die Welt wird eins,
voll Freude eins wird das Volk.
Mein Vaterland kommt zusammen,
Schulter an Schulter in eins.
Sehr bald bereits erglueht Korea
und schafft der Welt ein Nest des Friedens.
Hier wird der Frieden gefeiert.
Oh ja, komm’ her nach Pyeongchang!

(uebersetzt von Chei Woon-Jung)

<Oh yes, come here to Pyeongchang!>

by Moon Tae-Sung

On earth, where the sky comes down,
deeply united in their breath,
the town of Pyeongchang in the province of Kangwondo
is waiting for a long time.
From the clear mountain, from his heights,
a light is shining, snow-white blossoms are whirling.

The last country still divided on this earth,
the waist of the peninsula constricted.
The constricting pain
will be loosened at the town of Pyeongchang.

the banner of peace will be raised.
Let the earth’s axis tremble!
Let it rise to the skies!

The dream of reunification!
Let it mix and glow in the furnace.
The battle of the powers!
The races and the colors of skin are different,
but mankind of the world will become one,
earth will shine in a clear white,
the gleaming will make the whole world look on.
The delegates come together on the hill of peace.

Ardently we all are awiting
these days,
the world comes to one
joyful the people comes to one.
My mother country comes together,
shoulder to shoulder in one.
Already so soon Korea glows
and builds a nest of peace in the world.
Here peace will be celebrated.
Oh yes, come here to Pyeongchang.

(translated by Chei Woon-Jung )


<O yes! Pyeongchang! Here we come!>

by Moon Tae-Sung

The earth that the sky has bestowed.

I awaited Pyeongchang, Kangwondo.

From the lofty mountain...

There was a shinning light

Be snowed with flowers.

After the war, we are the only divided one

Our country has divided.

The scars were there for last half of century

Pyeongchang heals on the way.

I am not good at this.

From here...

The banner of peace

Shake the ground

Raise to the sky...

The dream of the reunification

Stir them on the furnace.

The fights over nations

The differences of races and colors

Let's be one and unified one.

Make the color pure and white.

Shine to every world.

The ambassadors who I met on the hill of peace.

The day that we have anticipated

The universe became one

We have united in one

Let us rejoice

Our nation became one in arm in are

Shout to the world the peace on earth.

All of sudden, our nation raised up high

We are entering the home of peace in the world.

We are welcoming the symphony of peace

O yes! Pyeongchang! Here we come.

(translated by Lim Sun-Suk)

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